We will be celebrating services for the 7th Sunday of Pascha, including: Saturday Vespers at 5:00pm, and Obednitsa at 9:00am on Sunday. You can find service texts here, and again the order of the Obednitsa for the Ascension Feast here. We will also be celebrating a Molieben for the end of the church school year. Please join us in prayer!

Services for the Feast of Ascension will include Vespers on Wednesday evening, 5:30pm EDT, and Obednitsa on Thursday morning, 9:00am. You can find texts for these services here. We will also use an order for the Obednitsa, blessed by our Metropolitan Tikhon, that you can find here.
Please join us in celebrating the Feast of Ascension!

Christ is Risen!
We will not have Vespers on Monday, Memorial Day. On Tuesday we will celebrate the Leavetaking of Pascha, with Vespers (5:30pm EDT) as on the day of Pascha itself. You can find texts here for Vespers. Please join us!

We will celebrate Vespers on Saturday at 5:00pm EDT, and Obednitsa on Sunday morning at 9:00am. You can find texts for these services here. Please join us in prayer.

Today we celebrated a Memorial Service for the Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Timpko, along with newly departed clergy and faithful, at 5:00pm. If you would like to share a link to this video with others, here it is: https://youtu.be/g_5oaihHuSw .

We are preparing to celebrate Saturday Vespers (5pm EDT on May 16th), and Sunday Obednitsa (9am). You can find texts for both services here. Please join us in prayer!

Today we celebrate Daily Vespers on the second day of the Midfeast. May 14th is also the 55th anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Metropolitan Leonty, so he was remembered among the departed.
Metropolitan Leonty was the Metropolitan of the Metropolia from 1950-1965 when he reposed in the Lord. He led an incredible life, ministering at the seminary in Minneapolis in 1905-1906, led the first Sobor of the Metropolia in 1907, in Mayfield PA that St. Tikhon also attended before returning to Russia. He was a member of the delegation of the Metropolia at the Russian Sobor in 1917 where St. Tikhon was elevated as Patriarch, occurring as the Bolshevik Revolution was unfolding. We are blessed by his life-long dedication that included authoring the iniital statutes that guided the Orthodox Church in America in receiving autocephaly from the Russian Orthodox Church. Memory eternal!

On Tuesday, May 12th, we will celebrate Vespers commemorating the Midfeast of Pentecost, at 5:30pm. You can find texts for today's service here.
Please join us in prayer!
Please be reminded that we will not be live streaming services tomorrow (Wednesday), as Matushka Cindy and I will be participating in funeral services for Archpriest Paul Lazor in Stroudsburg, PA.

Christ is Risen!
We have already reached the fourth week of Pascha! You can find texts for Vespers and Obednitsa here. Please join us at 5pm on Saturday for Vespers, and 9am for Obednitsa on Sunday morning. HTOC members also please plan to join us for virtual coffee hour at 10:00am!

This afternoon we will celebrate the Feast of St. John the Theologian. You can find the texts for the service here.
This is also the anniversary day of St. Alexis Church Consecration in 2004. Many blessed years to them!

We are celebrating today the Patronal Feast Day of St. Alexis, with Vespers at 5:30pm. You can find the texts for tonight, here.
St. Alexis was canonized in 1994, and the Clinton Mission Station was named after St. Alexis in the spring of 1995, having the opportunity from that May forward to celebrate every patronal feast day for St. Alexis, this being the 25th! The photo of the icon on the iconostas was taken on the patronal feast day in 2009, commemorating the 100th anniversary of his repose!
Let us take a moment to celebrate again with our sister parish on this 25th anniversary patronal feast day! The church was consecrated in 2004 in a wonderful celebration that lasted three days! We celebrated St. Alexis Feast on May 7, the consecration on May 8, and then Metropolitan Theodosius remained to celebrate Sunday Liturgy the next day!
May God grant Fr. Steven and St. Alexis Parish many blessed years on this 25th patronal feast day celebration!

Saturday afternoon at 5:00pm we will be celebrating Vespers for the 3rd Sunday of Pascha, the Myrrhbearing Women. This weekend returns to many of the hymns sung on the paschal feast! You can find the texts here for both Saturday Vespers and Sunday Obednitsa.

This Wednesday afternoon we will celebrate daily vespers, commemorating the Holy Apostle James, the brother of St. John the Theologian. You can find the text here. Please join us in prayer!

Here are texts for Vespers for Monday evening Vespers, to be celebrated at 5:30pm.

Christ is Risen!
We will be celebrating home Vespers at 5pm Saturday afternoon, and Obednitsa at 9:00am Sunday morning for St. Thomas Sunday. You can find the texts for these services here, and the order for Obednitsa after Bright Week here. Please join us in prayer!
The Obednitsa Service includes photos taken in Kerala, India, reflecting the ministry and witness of the Apostle Thomas!
Indeed He is Risen!
Fr. Steven

Today we celebrate Paschal Vespers of Bright Saturday, the last of the Paschal Vespers of this week, today reflecting Tone 8 Resurrectional Stikhera. You can find the texts here for Vespers that also commemorates the Holy Apostles and Evangelist, Mark.

This evening we celebrate Paschal Vespers of Bright Friday commemorating the Most Holy Theotokos of the Life-Giving Fountain. The texts can be found here. We also will say farewell to our OCF students, recognizing those who are graduating.
Please note that the Aposticha verses for the Theotokos, of the Life-Giving Fountain were set today to the "Let God arise" setting used in our churches during Bright Week.
Additionally, the version of "Pomp and Circumstance" used in celebrating George's graduation from Yale, is from a website that states their recordings can be freely used.
With prayers and love in Christ,
Fr. Steven

This evening we will celebrate Paschal Vespers of Bright Thursday at 5:30pm, together with the remembrance of the Greatmartyr George. You can find the texts here for our Vespers.

We will plan to celebrate Vespers of Bright Wednesday at 5:30pm Tuesday. You can find texts here. Today all the extra portions such as the Paschal beginning, and the Paschal Verses are included, from the OCA website, for your use.

This Bright Monday evening we will celebrate Paschal Vespers of Bright Tuesday, at 5:30pm. You can obtain the texts for the service here. Schedule for later this week includes: Paschal Vespers Tuesday and Wednesday, 5:30pm, Thursday, 5:00pm where we will include our OCF members who will be entering finals week, and Friday again at 5:30pm. Please join us in prayer!

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
We will celebrate Paschal Hours and Obednitsa beginning at 9:00am on Monday morning. You can access the outline we will use here.
We hope you are able to join us in keeping the Feast! This evening we will celebrate Vespers of Bright Monday at 5:30pm.

Christ is Risen!
Here is a brief, one minute tour of our church prepared for the Paschal Feast, including the ringing of the church bells! This is offered to encourage us as we await our opportunity to return to church to worship together!
Indeed He is Risen!
With prayers and love in the Risen Lord,
Fr. Steven

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! We greet you with joy and love in the Lord on Great and Holy Pascha!
At the beginning of our you-tube version of today's service is a panoramic tour of our church, prepared for Pascha. May we anticipate gathering together during the Paschal east once again!
Tomorrow we will celebrate Paschal Hours and Obednitsa, beginning at 9:00am. Please join us and pray together with us!
In the Risen Lord,
Fr. Steven

Royal Hours of Holy Friday, celebrated at 9:00am. This service focuses on Jesus on the Cross, after we heard the 12 Gospels the previous evening reflecting Jesus' steps from the Passover meal where he institutes the Eucharist, to the garden where he is betrayed, and through His being brought before Pilate, the Sandhedrin, and finally crucified.
This is the last service to be live-streamed from our home, as we will join all praying with those celebrating the Vespers of Holy Friday, Matins of Holy Saturday, the Vesperal Liturgy of Holy Saturday, and finally Nocturne, Procession, and Paschal Matins and Liturgy.
Please join us again for Paschal Vespers at noon on Sunday, April 19, 2020. In the meanwhile, please take time to listen to our choir singing the responses to these beautiful services last year in church.
With prayers for a blessed Pascha,
Fr. Steven

On Thursday, April 16, 2020 we will celebrate the Matins of Holy Friday with the reading of 12 Gospels. As we are at home, we have sought to arrange the fullest extent of this celebration possible with the two of us. Please download the outline for this service here.
For each of the portion of the service page numbers have been included: the first page number is for the DRE book with purple cover some of you may have, and the second page number is from the SVS Holy Week II book (see photo). This way if you have either resource, you can follow along easily.

As this recording is in two portions, the links are both included here for ease of reference:

On this Holy Wednesday we will celebrate Matins of Holy Thursday, at 6:00pm. You can download texts to follow, here.
Also, please watch for the order of service to be posted for Matins of Holy Friday with the reading of 12 Gospels. As we are at home, we have sought to arrange the fullest extent of this celebration possible with the two of us. For each of the portions of the service I have included page numbers: the first page number is for the DRE book with purple cover some of you may have, and the second with page numbers from the SVS Holy Week II. This way if you have either resource, you can follow along easily.
In Christ,
Fr. Steven

Responses sung by Holy Transfiguration Church Choir.

This Holy Tuesday evening we will be celebrating home Bridegroom Matins for Holy Wednesday at 6:00pm. You can find the texts here to follow during the serivce.

We will be celebrating Bridegroom Matins for Holy Tuesdsay, April 13, 2020, at 6:00pm. You can find texts here from our OCA website.

Sung by Holy Transfiguration Choir.

Following the festal services of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday, we enter into services of Holy Week. Bridegroom Matins is a service celebrated from Sunday through Wednesday evenings. We will celebrate them each day at 6:00pm. Use your Bridegroom Matins book with the purple cover, from the OCA's Department of Religious Education, if you have one to follow along. The propers for Bridegroom Matins for Holy Monday can be located here. Please join us for these beautiful serivces!

This was a link sent of an audio recording of Bridgegroom Matins with our deanery gathered at Holy Transfiguration Church.

We will be celebrating Vespers of Palm Sunday at 5pm. Please find texts to follow along here for both Saturday evening and Sunday morning. We blessed some willows from a bush at our home that was given us by a friend. Our palms and willows will be blessed when we can gather together as community. Please join us for Obednitsa Palm Sunday morning, at 9:00am.

Beginning today, as we celebrate services, we will also be posting audio recordings of services from previous years so you can appreciate Holy Transfiguration Church choir. This is a recording of the vigil from last year at church. May these recordings be comforting for us while we are unable to gather as community.

On Friday at 5:30pm we will celebrate Matins commemorating the Raising of Lazarus. Please find and have your little green Feast of Palms book from the OCA's Department of Religious Education, published in 1981, beginning on page 16. If we are able to assemble an order of service, look for it here. In the meanwhile, an effort has been made to render the propers for this service, following the canon, that you can access here in the "you" version. If you would like to follow along in singing the irmoi for the canon, we are grateful for the work of Archpriest Lawrence Margitich through Anaphora Press.
Come and join us in prayer. Not only does this service reflect the end of the 40 days of Great Lent, April 10 is also the 50th anniversary of the formal reception of the Tomos of Autocephaly! This will truly be a day of celebration!
Please also note that beginning tomorrow, we will be adding previous recordings of portions of the services of Holy Week celebrated each day. This way you can join us for the service, and hear our beautiful parish choir singing the responses in the church from past years!

We welcome all who are able to join us!
On Thursday we will celebrate Vespers at 5pm, with OCF members.
Friday we will celebrate home Matins for Lazarus Saturday, at 5:30pm.
May God bless and keep you!
Fr. Steven

Tonight we celebrate the Feast of the Repose of St. Tikhon, Confessor Patriarch of Moscow, and Enlightener of North America. You can find texts for home vespers here. St. Tikhon, as a young bishop (early 30's), set the American Mission on a strong foundation before returning to Russia. There he was elected the first Patriarch of Russia since Peter the Great abolished the patriarchate in 1721. He was elected as the Bolshevik Revolution was unfolding, and sought for the remainder of his life to guide the embattled church as that revolution continued to change the cultural landscape. O Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of St. Tikhon and the saints who have shown forth in this land, grant us Your wisdom and Grace to continue to build on the foundation of Orthodoxy here in North America, particularly as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our autocephaly.

This afternoon we will be commemorating the Repose of St. Tikhon, Confessor Patriarch of Moscow. This is a special celebration since on April 10, we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the granting of Autocephaly to our Orthodox Church in America. You can find the texts here. This is a youtube video version of the live-stream of the serivce.
We remembered the repose of St. Innocent last Monday, as we marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Tomos documents. Today we likewise commemorate the repose of St. Tikhon -- who offered so much in the way of bringing the vision of the Orthodox Faith here in America to life -- as we approach the date of April 10th. Many others certainly significantly participated in the building up of the church in our land, but these two saints' life, witness, and repose, are somehow caught up with this anniversary in a manner calling upon us to specially celebrate them through the lens of these later historical developments.
Through the prayers of St. Tikhon and St. Innocent, together with the cloud of witnesses showing forth here in North America, may the Lord God bless the Orthodox Church on this 50th anniversary!

On this Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, we commemorate St. Mary of Egypt. You can find service texts here, for both Vespers this evening, and the Obenitsa in the morning. We welcome all who were able to join us in live-stream, or are viewing the service here through youtube!
Also, for those who would like, our Seminarian Cornelius has recorded the Life of St. Mary of Egypt, as a youtube recording. Please continue to remember him in your prayers, as it remains unclear how their semester will also end.
Also thought you might like to see the flowers by church that have grown in intensity as we approach Holy Pascha!
With prayers and love in Christ,
Fr. Steven

On Thursday, April 2nd, we will be celebrating the Canon of St. Andrew, as is called for during the 5th week of Great Lent, at 5:00pm. You can access the service text we will be using, here. Please look for the sections marked on each page to follow the celebration, but the whole text is given here if you desire to read at home. The Order of Service for tonight can be found here.

This Wednesday, April 1, 2020, we will celebrate Daily Vespers. The reader will note that this Vespers has more stikhera than the normal 7-10, as we prepare for the Great Canon that is often celebrated on Thursday. You can access the texts here, that are developed from our OCA website, and additional material from the Octoechos (the book containing daily stihera for each day of the week, through the eight tones).

As this service would normally include the celebration of Presanctified Liturgy, texts for the rest of Vespers were completed through those available on the OCA website, and others from the Lenten Triodion Supplementary Texts, by Mother Mary and Metropolitan Kalistos of Diokleia, STS Press, 2007. You can access them here.

This evening we will celebrate the repose of St. Innocent, Enlightener of the Aleuts and Apostle to North America. You can find texts for tonight's Vespers here, from our OCA website. I continue to have difficulty with the gopro camera, so am using the facebook live version uploaded to you-tube.

We will be celebrating home Vespers this evening at 5pm, and Obednitsa at 9am on Sunday morning. You can access propers for these services here. The service texts are from the OCA website. You can also download the Obednitsa order here. It seems that my gopro camera is not inclined to work on Sundays, so the Obednitsa is the facebook version of the service as it was last Sunday. Our apologies for the unforeseen technical difficulties.
May God bless you!
Fr. Steven

As news was shared today that the monks on Mount Athos are celebrating an all-night vigil beginning at 9pm (3pm) our time, we are going to add prayers for the intercession of the Theotokos in solidarity with their vigil at the end of Vespers. You can find texts here from the OCA, and prayers in intercession to the Theotokos here. Please join us at 5:30pm.
Fr. Steven

This evening we welcomed back our Yale OCF students who are returning to virtual classromms from spring break. The image on the face of the video is the entrance to the Lovett Room of Battell Chapel, where OCF Vespers are usually celebrated. Last year during Great Lent the daffodils began to blossom, creating a flowery carpet near the Lovett Room entrance.
Next Vespers Friday at 5:30pm.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Steven

Texts for our Vespers for the Annunciation Feast are avaiable here. These texts were taken from our OCA website, with some additional texts from the Festal Menaion by Mother Mary, and from the Triodion. Thanks be to God for all things!

We are planning to celebrate Vespers for the Feast of Annunciation beginning at 5:30pm. You can join us through facebook live, through you-tube video, and/or through zoom (audio). You can also access the stikhera and troparion for this evening here. Texts are from our OCA website.
With prayers and love in Christ,
Fr. Steven

For the Obenitsa (Reader's Service) to be celebrated on Sunday at 9:00am, you can find the outline of the service here, and the propers (a word to denote the specific texts for a service) here. Please consider joining us, either live via Facebook on Holy Transfiguration Church's page, or here via a video of the service to be uploaded through you-tube as soon as proceesing is complete.
Please note, we had some technical difficulties with our second camera this morning. Today's you-tube recording is actually the facebook-recorded video. We apologize for the difficulties, and are gratedful for those joining us! As it took some time to accomplish this, please be patient as it loads. Posting will occur as soon as completed.
May the Lord God continue to bless you during these days of uncertainty.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Steven

With Vespers this evening (at 5pm live on HTOC Facebook page, and the you-tube video version will be posted as soon as processed) we begin the week of the Veneration of the Most Precious Cross. You can find texts to follow here. The texts are from the OCA website. If you would like to follow the special melody for Lord I Call Stikhera, you can find them here, also from the OCA webiste.
Additionally, as we are not in church, the procession with the Cross is seemingly out of place. We have, for this evening's service, and those for the coming days, simply decorated our cross with flowers blossoming in our yard at the present time. This is a photo taken of the Cross. You may similarly like to do this in your prayer corner for the coming week as we will be unable to come together to venerate the Most Precious Cross in the center of the church.
Fr. Steven

The texts for tonight's Vespers are included here, and the service recording will be available as soon as it is downloaded later this evening. Texts are from OCA website with some minor alterations.
May God bless you!
Fr. Steven

You can link to texts for tonight's Vespers, recorded below, here. Texts and readings from the OCA website.

Here are a few photos from our church as we moved through Holy Week to the fullness of Great and Holy Pascha!
Thank you to all who assisted in preparing, celebrating, singing responses, serving, and cleaning!
In the Risen Lord,
Archpriest Steven Voytovich
(Photos of Paschal Services, Reader Peter Romanovsky)
(Photos of Bright Monday procession, John Kruchok)
(10 images)

Archpriest Michael, Rector of Holy Transfiguration Church, retired from active ministry as 2018 drew to a close. Father Michael and Matushka Lydia served Holy Transfiguration Church with dedication and love for 38 years! The parish community hosted a celebratory luncheon on Nov. 11th. These photos were taken during Fr. Michael's last Sunday Divine Liturgy as Rector, on December 30th. The parish is grateful that Protodeacon Paul Nimchek came to serve with Fr. Michael, from Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Terryville.
Fr. Michael will remain attached to Holy Transfiguration Church in retirement, and Mat. Lydia continues to serve as Choir Director and Church School Coordinator.
(Photos taken by Peter Romanovsky)
(9 images)

Services for the Feasts of Circumcision and St. Basil the Great will include Vespers on Dec. 31st at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday, at 9:00am. you can find text here. Please join us in prayer.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Services for the Sunday after and the 3rd day of the Nativity Feast includes the commemoration of David the King, Joseph the Just, and James, the Lord's Brother. We plan to celebrate Vespers (virtual) on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy at 9:00am on Sunday. You can find texts here. Please join us in the joy of the Nativity of our Lord!

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Services for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ will include a vigil (virtual) on Thursday night at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Friday morning at 9:00am. You can find texts for Compline, Matins, and Liturgy, by clicking on each of the words.
Blessed Nativity Feast!

Services for the 28th Sunday after Pentecost, December 19-20, include the Sunday before the Nativity, commemorating the Holy Ancestors of Christ, and the Forefeast. We will celebrate Vespers virtually on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Liturgy on Sunday at church. You can find texts here. Please plan to join us in prayer!

For this 27th Sunday after Pentecost we celebrate the Holy Forefathers (2nd Sunday before the Nativity) and the repose of St. Herman of Alaska. We will celebrate Vespers (virtual) at 5:00pm on Saturday, and the Divine Liturgy, on Sunday, at 9:00am. You can find texts here. Please pray together with us!

Services for the 26th Sunday after Pentecost will include Vespers (virtual) on Saturday evening at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday, at 9:00am. In addition to the Resurrection we will be celebrating the Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. You can find texts here. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost will incude Vespers (virtual) on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning at 9:00am. You can find texts here.
As has been announced in church, if you are either traveling a long distance for Thanksgiving, or receiving family members traveling a long distance, please consider self-quarrantining from attending Liturgy on Sunday morning, out of an abundance of caution.

Services for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost will include Saturday Vespers (virtual) at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday, at church, 9:00am. You can find texts here. Please pray together with us!

Services for the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple will include Vespers with Litya at church on Friday evening at 5:30pm, and Obednitsa (virtual) on Saturday at 9:00am. You can find texts here. Please join us in this celebration!

Services for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost will include virtual Vespers on Saturday, at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find texts here. Please join us in prayer as we begin the Nativity Fast on Sunday!

As we prepare to enter into the Natiivity Fast, some prefer to call it the St. Philip's Fast. The Holy Apostle Philip is commemorated on November 14th. We will celebrate a more festal Vespers at 5:30pm. You can find texts here. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost will include Vespers (virtual) at 5pm on Saturday, and Divine Liturgy (in church) on Sunday morning at 9:00am. You can find texts here. In addition to the Resurrection, we will be commemorating the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other Bodiless Powers: Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel.
Please join us in prayer!

Services for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost will include virtual Vespers on Saturday, at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy in church on Sunday at 9:00am (remembering that we turn our clocks back on Saturday night. You can find texts here. In addition to the main focus of our Lord's Resurrection, we will be commemorating the Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cosmas and Damian. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost include Vespers (virtual) on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy at church on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find texts here. Please join us in prayer.

On this 19th Sunday, in addition to celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord, we will commemorate the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke. You can find texts here for Saturday Vespers (virtual) at 5:00pm, and the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning at 9:00am at church. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, including the commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council will include virtual Vespers on Saturday at 5pm, and Divine Liturgy at 9am on Sunday. You can find texts for the weekend here. Thank you for praying with us.

On Monday, October 5, we will celebrate Vespers for the Feast of the Glorificdation of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, Enlightener of the Aleuts, and Apostle to America, at 5:30pm. You can find texts here. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost will include home Vespers on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, at church, at 9:00am. You can find texts for the weekend here.

We are blessed to be returning to church for Sunday Liturgy for the first time since March 15th! Services for the weekend will include virtual Vespers on Saturday, 5:00pm, and LIturgy in church on Sunday. You can find texts here. Thanks be to God for this blessing.

Services for the Feast of the Exaltation/Elevation of the Most Precious Cross will include Vespers on Sunday following our Obednitsa, and Liturgy at 9:00am in church on Monday, Sept. 14th. You can find texts for these services here.

Services for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost will include Vespers on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Obednitsa on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find texts for these services here. Please note, as the Elevation Feast occurs on Monday, we will follow the Obednitsa with Vespers.

Services for the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos will include Vespers with Litya at church at 5:30pm on Monday night, and Obednitsa on Tuesday morning at 9:00am. You can find texts for services here from our OCA website. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost will include Vespers on Saturday, and Obednitsa on Sunday. You can find texts for services here.
Please join us in prayer!

Services for the 12th Sunday of Pentecost will include Vespers on Saturday, at 5:00pm, and Obednitsa on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find texts for the weekend here. The Beheading of John the Baptist afterfeast will be part of our commemoration. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the Beheading of the Holy Glorious, Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John will include live-stream Vespers on Friday night at 5:30pm, and Divine Liturgy in church (with request to attend in advance) on Saturday morning at 9:00am. You can find service texts here.
Please be reminded this is a strict fast day, and join us in prayer.

This coming weekend, the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, we will celebrate the leavetaking of the Dormition Feast. You can find texts for the weekend here. Services will include Vespers on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Obednitsa on Sunday, 9:00am.
Please join us in prayer!

Services for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, also commemorating the Image of Christ not made by Hands, will include Home Vespers on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Obednitsa on Sunday, at 9:00am. You can find service texts here from our OCA website.
Please join us in prayer!

Services for the Feast of Dormition will include Home Vespers on Friday night at 5:30pm. You can find texts here from the OCA website.
Thank you for joining us in prayer!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
This weekend we continue the celebration of our patronal feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, and the 50th anniversary of the Glorificadtion of St. Herman of Alaska. We will celebrate Vespers at 5:00pm EDT, and the Obednitsa on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find service texts here.
We celebrated in April the 50th anniversary of the granting of our autocephaly. Only months later, in August, we now celebratethe 50th anniversary of the glorification of St. Herman! These are most significant foundational moments for our Orthodox Church in America. May we learn well the lessons offered through these anniversary markers, and continue our best efforts to carry forward the precious gift of Orthodoxy here in North America, through the prayers of all the saints, known and unknown, who have shown forth in this land!
A brief video presentation was shared during virtual coffee hour this morning of Fr. Steven's pilgrimage to Kokiak and Spruce Island in 1986. You can view it here. As a member of the immigrant community coming to North America, he was indeed blessed to encounter the missionary roots of Orthodoxy in North America, through the Alaskan faithful descended from those encountering the early missionaries like St. Herman and St. Innocent!

This afternoon we celebrated a Panikhida remembering the following 1 year anniversaries of repose:
- Archpriest Steven Belonick
- Mat. Eva Kopcha
- Natalya, sister of our parishioner Daria
and newly departed, including those who lost their lives in the recent explosion on Beirut, Lebanon.
Memory eternal!

We plan to celebrate our Patronal Feast of Transfiguration with Vespers on Wednesday at 5:30pm and Obednitsa onThursday at 9:00am. You can find texts for services here. Please plan to join us in prayer! We currently do not have power in the local area, and were unable to live-stream Vespers. A youtube audio recording of the Obednitsa is available below.

This weekend, as we have entered into the Dormition Fast, we will celebrate Vespers on Saturday at 5:00pm, and Obednitsa on Sunday, 9:00am, EDT. You can find service texts here. The celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord will include the commemoration of the Translation of the Protomartyr and Archdeacon Stephen. Please join us in prayer.

On Friday, as we enter into the Dormition Fast (August 1-15, the Dormition of the Theotokos Feast) we will celebrate the third feast of the Most Precious Cross of the Lord: Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Lifegiving Cross of the Lord. We will celebrate a more festal Vespers on Friday at 5:30pm, EDT. You can find texts for Vespers here. Please join us in prayer!

Services for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost, including the commemoration of St. Jacob Netsvetov, will include Vespers on Saturday, July 25th, 5:00pm, EDT, and Obednitsa, 9:00am. You can find service texts here, from our OCA website.

Services for the 6th Week of Pentecost will include Vespers at 5pm on Saturday, July 18, 2020, EDT, and Obednitsa on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find texts for both days here. Please remember that readings can be downloaded from the OCA website.
Thank you for joining us in prayer!

On Tuesday we will celebrate Vespers for the Feast of St. Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, at 5:30pm EDT. You can find texts here.
Please join us in prayer!

Services for this 5th Sunday after Pentecost will include Vespers, 5:00pm, EDT, and Obednitsa on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find service texts here. Please join us in prayer!

Services being offered this 4th weekend after Pentecost will include:
Saturday Vespers, 5:00pm, EDT
Sunday Obednitsa, 9:00am
You can find texts for this weekend's services here.
Please join us in prayer!

For the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the pillars of the apostolic community, we plan to celebrate Vespers immediately following Sunday's Obednitsa. Then on Monday we will celebrate Obednitsa for the feast. You can find texts for the feast here. Please join us in prayer!

You can find texts for the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost here. We plan to celebrate Vespers at 5:00pm on Saturday, and Obednitsa on Sunday morning at 9:00am. Please join us in prayer.
Immediately following Obednitsa, we plan to celebrate Vespers for the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Please see the posting for the feast for texts.

We will celebrate Vespers for the Nativity or birth of St. John the Baptist on Tuesday, June 23rd, at 5:30pm, EDT. You can find texts for the feast here. Please join us in prayer.

Services for the Sunday of All Saints of North America will include Saturday Vespers at 5:00pm EDT, and Obednitsa on Sunday at 9:00am. You can find texts for these services here. Obednitsa order can be downloaded here. Please be patient with us if you are following on facebook, as we are making some necessary changes in order to continue offering quality live-stream services while our church remains closed.
Happy Father's Day to all our fathers! Memory eternal to those who have reposed in the Lord. May God grant many years to our fathers who remain with us!

The first Sunday after Pentecost is the Sunday of All Saints, as all the saints reveal the light of Christ through their words and deeds! You can find the texts for Saturday (Vespers, 5pm EDT) and Sunday (Obednitsa, 9am) here. You can also find the order of Obednitsa for the Sundays after Pentecost here. Please join us for live stream services over the weekend!

Just a reminder that we will not be celebrating daily Vespers tomorrow, Wednesday, but will return to celebrate Vespers on Thursday evening, at 5:30pm, EDT.

Greetings in the Lord!
As we prepare for the Feast of Pentecost, here is a photo of our church, now adorned in green altar covers. For those attending Dn. Mark's presentation tonight, see also the presentation of the Feast of Ascension above the high place, with the Pentecost Icon in the center of the church, revealing continuity between these feasts as we discussed.
Please take a moment to prepare by downloading the service texts incldued here so you can follow along with us at home! Service texts for Vespers tonight (5pm EDT) are here. On Sunday, we will celebrate the Obednitsa specially blessed for the Feast of Pentecost here. Immediately following the Obednitsa will be Kneeling Vespers. You can find the Vespers texts here. All the Vespers texts are just slightly revised for our use from those available on the OCA website, where you can also find, follow and/or download the Scripture readings.
Holy Transfiguration Church members are invited to join virtual coffee hour that will begin after the conclusion of services. Please see separate e-mail with the link.
We look forward to your joining us in prayer! May God richly bless us with the procession of the Holy Spirit on the Feast!

Stremsky Family Benefit Concert
The Stremsky family returned for the second consecutive year to perform a benefit concert at Holy Transfiguration. Father Nicholas and Matushka Galina are parents of largest family in Russia.(11 images)
Newly ordained Fr. Deacon Joshua
The newly ordained Fr. Deacon Joshua and family return to Holy Transfiguration.(5 images)
Names days, several new altar servers... so many reasons to celebrate!
(5 images)
Feast of Transfiguration
In celebration of their parish feast, the faithful of Holy Transfiguration went on procession and held a benefit breakfast for the Mosher family following the Divine Liturgy.(11 images)
Parish Life, Spring '04
Spring was a busy time at Holy Transfiguration including a meeting of the OCA Humanitarian Aid Committee, students being recognized for their participation in the lenten read-a-thon, a molieben service, and the close of church school.(19 images)
Bridegroom Matins
The clergy and faithful of the Connecticut Deanery joined to celebrate the Bridegroom Matins of Holy Monday on April 4, 2004 at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church in New Haven.(38 images)
Russian Children's Choir
With fifty-three children, Father Nicholas and Matushka Galina Stremsky are parents of the largest family in Russia. The family lives in the city of Saraktash on the edge of the Urals, in central Russia. On November 3, 2003, Father Nicholas and eleven children from their family choir visited New Haven, sang for our parish and many visitors, and charmed everyone.(9 images)