Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church
New Haven, Connecticut
Orthodox Church in America

Welcome to Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church!

285 Alden Avenue

New Haven, CT 06515


"With what songs of praise shall we now bless Innocent, our Teacher wise in God?  As the first archpastor to rule our land, by word and deed he taught us the way we must go to attain the glorious Kingdom, won and promised to us by Christ, from Whom we have great mercy."

(Glorification of St. Innocent)

Archpriest Steven Voytovich, Rector



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Upcoming Services
Sunday, October 6
Glorification of St. Innocent
9:00 Obenditsa, Coffee Hour
Tuesday, October 8
5:30 Vespers
7:00 Parish Council Meeting
Thursday, October 10
5:00 OCF at Yale- Vespers in the Lovett Room of Battell Chapel
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Come and Visit us:

285 Alden Avenue

New Haven, CT 06515
