Altar Guild
Provides for the "needs" of the Altar--that is, to purchase, repair, and maintain clergy and servers' vestments, etc. and provides liturgical items as needed. It provides flowers for the festal icon for most of the feasts. The Altar Guild raises funds by hosting the Sunday morning coffee hour. Members work at coffee hour on a rotating basis.
Ladies Auxiliary
Sponsors and prepares the suppers following Presanctified Liturgy during Great Lent. Bake sales and raffles enable the Auxliliary to help St. Nicholas fill the gift bags for the children of the parish. The Auxiliary also maintains the photo archives.
Orthodox Christian Library Outreach
Makes information on Orthodoxy available to the community. OCLO sponsors programs, exhibits, and lectures on Orthodoxy.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) at Yale University
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship at Yale University has been an extension of HolyTransfiguration parish life for many years. Orthodox students studying at Yale are welcome to come to the Lovett Room (door is depicted in photo) of Battell Chapel on the campus on Thursdays at 5pm -- during the academic year -- for daily vespers and fellowship. You can see the Yale OCF website page here. Students are also welcome to come to Holy Transfiguration Church for services on the weekends. Other local parishes are linked on the OCF website.
Some students have, through the OCF, become actively involved in parish life while studying, and some have remained at HolyTransfiguration parish following graduation! To communicate with George Gayed, current OCF Student Leader, you can e-mail him here. Fr. Steven serves as the OCF chaplain.